We now stock teff flakes! I was really looking forward to diving into an experiment with our new gluten free teff flakes. I'd never eaten them, nor cooked with them before.
The obvious use for teff flakes is porridge, or adding them to a cake or muffin batter. But I was feeling daring and intrepid…I wanted to push the boat out a little. So, taking inspiration from their breadcrumb-like texture, I decided to use teff flakes as a substitute for breadcrumbs. Not satisfied with that alone, I thought I'd make them completely gluten-free. Go hard or go home, right? Luckily for us all, the experiment was a success. The combination of rice flour, cornstarch, carbonated water and teff flakes made for a delightfully light, deafeningly crunchy tempura batter. It's a winner! Isn't winter in Sydney glorious? Recent rain aside, there's something lovely about this time of year's crisp, sunny days and chilly evenings.
We Sydneysiders, who live in a warm climate for a solid 7 months of the year, don't take this frosty, snuggle-up weather for granted. This really shows itself in the food we enjoy over the winter period. Soups and stews, fragrant curries, shepherds pie…rich, hearty fare that we largely do away with in the stifling summer. Baked treats all but disappear from my repertoire in summer. But June through August my oven gets a regular workout. Mostly sweet things like muffins and biscuits. The occasional cake if my children are nice to me. But what about savoury baking? It often gets forgotten for the showier, sugary treats. But not today. If you're looking for something you can make in a flash, with ingredients we tend to always have on hand, will please everyone in your life whether they're sweet tooths or savoury lovers, look no further than cheese scones. They're a cinch to make, I promise and guaranteed to secure you invites to every picnic! |
October 2024